Cetaqua presents the LIFE Conquer project in the Open Webinar Series 13: Regeneration and Reuse of Water

Cetaqua presents the LIFE Conquer project in the Open Webinar Series 13: Regeneration and Reuse of Water

Adriana Romero, from Cetaqua Barcelona, explained in the Open Webinar last October 18th the LIFE Conquer project, whose aim is to promote the circular economy by developing a system to reuse contaminated water infiltrated in residential areas, maintaining the necessary nutrients and eliminating salinity, for irrigation purposes in the city of Murcia.

Conquer will develop an innovative water reclamation plant (WRP) to enable water reuse by dividing nitrates and salinity and obtaining an effluent rich in nutrients to reuse it for irrigation instead of discharging them to the environment. Dissolved salts, already separated from the reclaimed water stream, will be concentrated and then transformed into sodium hypochlorite, promoting a cost-effective solution to transform concentrated saline effluents into valuable by-products.

This webinar was organized by ASERSA, The Spanish Association for Sustainable Water Reuse, and there were some presentations about water reuse and alternative uses for water. Sara Espinosa from Cetaqua Andalucia explained that LIFE Matrix aims to demonstrate the technical, environmental and health feasibility of a Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) system using reclaimed water.

Do you want to know more about LIFE Conquer? Click here.